

  1. Install python3 and pip

  2. Clone the repo from github

  3. Create a virtual environment:

    cd notesdir
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/active
  4. Install runtime and development dependencies:

    pip install .
    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Then you should be ready to go.


To run unit tests:

PYTHONPATH=src pytest

(Overriding PYTHONPATH as shown ensures the tests run against the code in the src/ directory rather than the installed copy of the package.)

If you use PyCharm, it should be straightforward to run the tests in it too, using a pytest run configuration. Just make sure to mark src as a source directory in Project Structure.

To run the CLI:

PYTHONPATH=src python -m notesdir --help

Building the docs

cd docs-src
make clean && make html

Then open the file _build/html/index.html.